If you are a business owner or budding entrepreneur looking to better invest in your company’s future, look no further than Baird Inc. Baird is a private debt, equity and real estate firm that can help you secure the financing you need to succeed — particularly when other lenders will not.
Whether you are a small- or medium-sized business owner, an investor or are looking to develop a longstanding entrepreneurial dream, Baird Inc. has something to offer you. Read on to learn about what makes our business unique and how we can help you achieve your goals.
What sets Baird Inc. apart?
Accessing reliable and consistent lending can be increasingly challenging for small business owners. During these times of rising interest rates and inflation, non-traditional lending options are extremely important. Without assets that can be collateralized alone by the asset itself, coming up with the capital to generate steady growth can feel near impossible. This can be especially true in less “conventional” fields that may be looked on with skepticism by traditional lenders.
Of course, “unconventional” often simply means new, vibrant and exciting. With a reliable and well-crafted strategic plan, we know that your business — even if “unconventional” — can find paths to success. In other words, Baird Inc.’s long-range vision allows us to make the investment choices that other lenders may not.
Baird Inc. understands small business
We may be a small company in terms of personnel, but our vision is not. Our specialties include secured and asset-based lending, private equity investment and commercial real estate investment. Baird Inc. is particularly focused on helping young and small- to mid-size businesses achieve their specific growth goals.
If this describes your operation, you are likely familiar with the challenges for a business your size: namely, that it can often be tough to find the investment capital necessary to power real and sustainable growth. This is where Baird Inc. steps in, serving as your investment partner and helping to co-create a sustainable growth strategy. We know the challenges you face and want to help you overcome them.
Baird Inc. values fiscal diversity
As an investor or business owner, you likely understand that maintaining a diverse portfolio is vital to ensuring long-term fiscal sustainability. This principle is paramount here at Baird Inc. and informs both our investment choices (and maintenance of a diverse portfolio) and our willingness to provide financing to businesses that might otherwise have trouble securing it.
Recent Baird Inc. investments include the following.
- A partnership with Altmed/Verano Holdings Corp., a vertically integrated multi-state cannabis company that provides access to safe and organic recreational cannabis products.
- A partnership with Hiatus Tequila LLC, a hand-crafted Mexican tequila brand.
- An angel investment in Chattr, an AI based hiring and onboarding software to simplify the hourly worker hiring process.
- Investment in Spicewood Mineral Partners, a Texas-based investment fund who acquires oil and gas mineral rights in the Permian Basin, Eagle Ford Shale, Haynesville Shale and Appalachian regions of the U.S.
- Property investments in Tarpon Pointe Marina and Sarasota’s BBC Main Plaza, among several others.
With Baird Inc. you can rest assured that you are part of a thriving, dynamic portfolio, one well-oriented to thrive in a complex and often-challenging market.
Baird Inc. loans are good for borrowers
Our secured lending arrangements can provide considerable capital for small- or medium-sized businesses in exchange for partial equity. Arrangements are typically made in a two- to three-year plan that anticipates refinancing, allowing for you, as a borrower, to ensure you retain majority equity in the company.
In other words, we are here to act as a partner, providing the necessary capital to help you generate and maintain reliable growth.
Baird Inc. has a record of success

When working closely with a private debt and equity firm like Baird Inc., you want to be sure you are in capable hands. Our track record promises that we can be that partner for you. As founder of Baird Inc., I have had a long and diverse history of business success. Today, our company thrives in the small- to medium-sized business market, seeking out and consistently performing well in new investments. Our range of portfolio holdings — Weatherford Capital Fund I, Edison Interactive Holdings Inc., Instabet Inc., Spring Sports Nutrition Inc., Psilera Bioscience and many others — is a testament to the integrity and capability with which we conduct all our business.
Baird Inc. consistently seeks out unique, exciting and viable new business opportunities, helping a diverse range of entrepreneurs grow their economic dreams.
In short, with Baird Inc., you can be confident that you will be in good hands. Together, we can make your business dreams a reality.
Want to learn more? Complete this form or call Baird Inc. today at 941-312-1293.
Eric Baird is the founder and CEO at Baird Inc., a Sarasota-based investment firm specializing in asset-based and senior-secured lending. Baird founded Baird Inc. in 2013. Baird enjoys connecting growing businesses with alternative capital opportunities and helping clients meet their objectives.